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Financial Services

Financial Statement Preparation

financial budget statement read and check the number for analysis invest stock business target

Specialized services and expertise are available to help businesses, owners, families, and individuals maximize their finances, minimize taxes and risks, and strategically plan for their future. We provide help through a comprehensive service offering that reflects professionalism, technical efficiency, and human sensitivity. The result is knowing that our business finances services provide a trusted advisor that looks out for all of your needs.

All or our clients receive personal attention and senior management guidance that they expect working with smaller firms, backed by the resources and service offerings of a leader. We are recognized as a top CPA firm in the United States, and offer a full range

Some of our financial statement preparation services include:

• Audits of Financial Statements
• Reviews & Compilations of Financial Statements
• Corporate Individual Tax Preparation & Planning
• Financial & Compliance Audits
• Attestation Engagements
• Internal Controls Assessments
• Uniform Guidance audits
• Agreed upon Procedures

Tax Planning & Preparation

Young African Couple Lying On Carpet Invoice With Calculator

At Holmes & Company, we believe that tax planning is essential to tax preparation.  Our professional staff is dedicated to helping our clients plan so that they will be ready to file their tax returns on a timely basis and to limit any last minute surprises.

We serve individuals and small and mid sized businesses. We are always up to date on the latest tax laws and we keep our clients informed about how new laws may effect their personal and/or business tax situation. We apply our knowledge of tax and accounting in innovative ways to achieve the best solutions for our clients.  Holmes & Company is “Driven By Results.”

Some of our tax services include:

  • Tax Compliance
  • Federal, state and local income tax preparation
  • Tax Planning
  • IRS Representation
  • Business Consulting

Forensic & Investigative Audits


Forensic accounting is a specialization that requires broad knowledge of complex financial issues. Having a firm such as Holmes & Company with individuals who hold the Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) credential that can assist you with a forensic engagement will provide additional assurance that the practitioner is experienced, knowledgeable and professional.

Our team has extensive experience providing forensic accounting and litigation support to both businesses and  nonprofit organizations. Count on us for the insight and expertise you need to deal with industry challenges.

Following are some of the forensic accounting services that we offer:

  • Fraud investigations
  • Forensic audits to uncover evidence
  • Consultation on legal strategies involving accounting and auditing matters
  • Partner/Shareholder disputes
  • Analysis of contracts
  • Audits of Contractor costs

Financial Projections & Forecasts

Reviewing  the financial results.

Is there a difference between a forecast and a projection? Absolutely.

forecast is based upon assumptions reflecting the conditions the business expects to exist and the course of action reasonably expected to be followed.   A forecast can utilize a specific monetary amount or a reasonable range based on the various assumptions in place.    This information is not restricted and it is typically what is published to the general public for publicly traded companies.  Management expects the goals in a forecast to be met and believes them to be reasonably attainable.

projection is prepared to present one or more hypothetical courses of action that the business might follow.  It is typically prepared for a restricted specific party, often internal management. This type of analysis can definitely be thought of as less realistic, even referred to as “pie in the sky”.

The main difference between a forecast and a projection is the nature of the assumption:

  • In a forecast, these assumptions are based upon specific fact patterns, making it more representative of the expectations for actual future events.
  • In a projection the assumptions are more of the desired scenario, not necessarily what is most likely to occur.

Both forecasts and projections have a place in effectively managing your business.  At Holmes & Company, we work with to make clear and effective forecasts and projections to help you run your business.

Accounting Support & CFO Outsourcing Services

Green calculator lies on wooden desk with inscription Accounting outsourcing

Holmes & Company can provide your business with experienced CFO level talent on an outsourced, part-time basis at a fraction of the cost of a full-time employee. We bring experienced professionals with specialized skills to navigate times of transition when you can’t afford to be without a CFO. Our CPAs and consultants work at your location, which allows us to address important financial concerns, mentor staff, and help you make critical decisions.

Some of our outsourced accounting and CFO services include:

  • Management of the finance functions (accounting, treasury, finance)
  • Financial, business, and strategic planning and implementation
  • Hands-on guidance during transitions (e.g., medical leave, business integration, or leadership succession)
  • Cash flow management and projections
  • Budgeting and forecasting
  • Audit preparation and liaison with audit firm
  • Accounting software selection and implementation
  • Financial and operational improvement plans
  • Contract review